Watch Online / Baiyko (2017)
Desc: Baiyko: Directed by Rohit Shukre. With Melvin Philip. An unknown writer has struggled for more than 15years, trying to sell his script.He has reached to the breaking point when he gets a call from a producer duo at their farmhouse to narrate his script of a budding film maker who turns into a psycho killer. When he reaches there for narration he finds out that the producers have this habit to call budding writers over their farmhouse and laugh on their scripts.Just for fun and entertainment.This gets so much into his head that he ends up killing both of them.But he gets an awesome idea then and there to make his film at zero cost.He starts to pretend like the character of the psychic writer/director from his script who believes the camera to be his wife. He goes on a killing spree, where he shoots the same and makes a film out of it.